
Since 1954 we offer solutions and high-precision semi-finished mechanical products. Since then, the market in its evolution, has always valued our expertise, professionalism and reliability. From the beginning we show every day a strong attachment to our work and respect for customers, typical characteristics of our family firm. The range of services offered, from 1979 through the first CNC automatic punching machine up to the latest technology, has always increased over time complying with a constantly evolving production along with our esteemed clients, we boast with pride our almost 60 years of solid activity.


Since the mid-'50s transformations imposed by technological developments have required great attention, listening and dedication to the needs of a market in constant development. At O.M. Pelati S.r.l. these years have represented a continuous path, side by side with our clients, sharing their problems and their needs, to turn them into opportunities. Each new project for us has been, and still is, a stimulus to apply our decades of experience in order to find the best solutions for all types of manufacturing: this is one of the main reasons why the devotion rate of our clients is particularly high.


From the founding members the new generation has received a rich heritage of important and profound values: dedication, commitment and passion. Concepts that still resound today in our company of which meaning and contents the current generations take charge so that they are maintained and transmitted to the future talents. Content that is concretely reflected in the attention of each new project, in the awareness of the importance our work is for clients and in the involvement we have in every project to offer the best in terms of validity of the solutions, respect of timing and manufacturing compliance.